24 Insider Secrets That Improve Employee Recognition Success

Finding ways to improve employee recognition has a huge impact on your employees and your workplace. According to Gallup’s article, Employee Recognition: Low Cost, High Impact, “recognition not only boosts individual employee engagement, but it also has been found to increase productivity and loyalty to the company, leading to higher retention.”

When you improve employee recognition the results are increased employee motivation, better customer service, and lower employee turnover. Here’s the team from MyEmployees with exclusive access to tips on how our top performing clients pick their monthly winners to improve employee recognition at their workplace.

We pulled the best of the best from managers in over a half dozen industries to come up with 24 Insider Secrets That Improve Employee Recognition Success. (…actually, it turned out to be even more than 24!)

We suggest checking out the whole video for even more ideas on what other industries do to recognize their top talent.

Want to dig deeper?

Read more about recognition

An employee of the month program is an effective way to improve your company’s culture and workplace environment. Why make it harder than it has to be? Read more at 3 Simple Steps to an Effective Employee of the Month Program

Want to see some more videos?

Click HERE for details on how you can get INSTANT ACCESS to our FREE REWARDS & RECOGNITION leadership training video series.

By applying what you learn in these videos, you’ll see increases in motivation, employee engagement and job satisfaction, ultimately leading to better customer service and increased profits.

Click HERE to go to the first video NOW!

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3 Simple Steps to an Effective Employee of the Month Program

An effective employee of the month program is a way to improve your company’s culture and workplace environment. Do it right with 3 simple steps. Read the full post HERE.

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MyEmployees will be closed starting 3pm December 24, 2024 and will reopen on January 2, 2025.
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