“Everyone wants it”

We recently caught up with Michaela, the general manager of Fairfield Inn located in Clovis, New Mexico. Michaela shared her thoughts about the impact of the monthly recognition program we’ve been helping her run. Since taking over as GM in 2017, Michaela has noticed our recognition program to be a great motivator for everybody on … Read more

Easy, Convenient, and Consistent

Krissie Altman is the manager at Cracker Barrel in Cranberry Township, PA. Krissie says her team loves to celebrate each other’s success every month when a “Most Valuable Team Player” is recognized. Here are a few of the recent posts from employee of the month celebrations… Keep up the awesome work, Krissie! Presentation pictures with … Read more

Appreciation Matters: Thoughts from a Leadership Expert

“Engaging the Hearts and Minds of All Your Employees” by leadership expert Lee J. Colan is a book which outlines how to motivate your team and entrust them to provide exceptional value to your customers. Perhaps the most important topic in this book can be found in Chapter 10: The Need for Appreciation. In this … Read more

Becoming a Great Leader – Part 2: Passionate Leadership

Now that you have developed a vision (see: Becoming a Great Leader – Part 1: Vision), and a strategy for achieving it, take a step back and ask yourself: Do I show passionate leadership? Great leaders believe in their vision so strongly, they exude a charisma about it that is captivating. To launch your position … Read more

Never Underestimate the Results of Employee Recognition

Employee recognition is an underrated, yet effective way of getting more out of your team. When you make recognition a priority, you’ll see direct benefits of increased engagement and a workforce that feels appreciated. However, the indirect results of employee recognition are regularly overlooked. In this article, you’ll learn about additional value shared with your … Read more

6 Employee Rewards Program Mistakes

Gina couldn’t understand what was going on. She rolled out an employee rewards program last year, but it didn’t seem to be working as well as she saw at other locations. What did she do wrong? In order to reap the benefits of an employee recognition program, you have to do it right. If you … Read more

10 Reasons You’re Losing Employees

Whenever an employee leaves your company, the reason why can leave you scratching your head. Was it a new, better opportunity? Were they offered more money? Were they just looking for a change? If you’ve been in any position of leadership long enough, you’ve probably spent countless hours trying to guess why employees leave. As … Read more

How to Improve Employee Engagement with Recognition

Do you have employees who make the same mistakes a second, third, and fourth time? When an employee begins to show poor work (life) habits on the job, how do you handle the situation? Repeatedly late to work, cutting corners, complaining, poor communication with you and their peers, etc.  Disengaged employees are not only frustrating, … Read more

FAQ’s and SAQ’s

Frequently Asked Questions In this section, we’ve provided answers to the most frequently asked questions we get from current clients. If you have a question that is not answered, please contact us. Q: How do I turn in winners? A: You have several options for turning in your monthly winners. The best (and quickest) way … Read more